Building Update—February 2025
On Sunday, February 9, I shared the following update on the progress of our plans for a future church building.
The elders have been working with Architecture Incorporated, a local architecture firm, to create a site master plan, conceptual floor plans, and renderings for a building that would serve as the physical home for Emmaus Road Church. I am excited about the progress we’ve made and the direction we’re heading. We are currently comparing those plans with our expected budget, and we are eager to share those initial plans publicly as soon as we can. We’re getting close!
We started by giving careful thought to how our biblical convictions shape who we are as a church and how that should be reflected in the architecture of a building, and I look forward to spelling that out for you soon as well.
“The mightiest conceptions of architects, like Michelangelo and Wren, are mere trifling and child’s play in comparison with Christ’s wise counsels respecting His Church.”
For now, I want to highlight one conviction that comes from the promise Jesus gave us in Matthew 16:18, when he said, “I will build my church.” He said that, not about a building, but about his ransomed and assembled community.
J. C. Ryle said it well: “The mightiest conceptions of architects, like Michelangelo and Wren, are mere trifling and child's play in comparison with Christ's wise counsels respecting His Church.”
Please continue to pray for God’s wisdom and direction as we finalize plans. Give to the Building Fund as the Spirit leads you.
And continue to edify one another, as you are already doing. Whether we are meeting in a cafeteria, a gym, or a sanctuary, every member of the church is involved in edifying and building up the church. The last thing we want is to have a building but no church.