Shared Values Class 3: Continuationist Pneumatology

Sovereign Grace Churches value continuationist pneumatology:

“With the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, God’s purpose to dwell among His people entered a new era (Exodus 33:14–16Leviticus 26:12John 14:16–17Acts 2:14–21). We believe the Holy Spirit desires to continually fill each believer with increased power for Christian life and witness, including the giving of His supernatural gifts for the building up of the church and for various works of ministry in the world (Acts 1:8Galatians 5:16–181 Corinthians 12:4–7). We are eager to pursue God’s active presence in all its breadth, that Christ may be magnified in our lives, in the church, and among the nations (Psalm 105:41 Corinthians 14:1Ephesians 2:22).”

Shared ValuesRyan Chase