Marie Kondo and Gospel Fluency

The Marie Kondo craze is a perfect opportunity for us to practice speaking the gospel fluently. When the gospel is like a second language to us, we might think, “What could be more neutral—and less spiritual!—than the way you fold your shirts or arrange your photos? Home organizing techniques are completely innocuous, right?”

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Ryan Chase
Books I’d Recommend - 2018

Each year I read dozens of books. I read for relaxation, to stay sharp, and for personal growth. Some of the things I read make my heart burn, strengthen my soul, and, I trust, sharpen me as a follower of Jesus. Here are ten books I read in 2018 that stirred me, and, I pray, shaped me to be a more faithful and fruitful disciple/disciple-maker. Perhaps the same might happen for you.

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The Word Became Flesh

How would you explain the meaning of Christmas? 

There are lots of good ways to articulate what Christmas is all about, but John summarizes it in four powerful words: “The Word became flesh” (John 1:14).

But what exactly does it mean for God to become flesh? Just how human is Jesus? And if he became flesh, did he lose any of his divinity?

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Ryan ChaseChristmas, incarnation