Sermon Quotes: "Shall We Continue in Sin?"
The following quotes were cited in “Shall We Continue in Sin?”, the June 27, 2021 sermon from Romans 6 by Greg Dirnberger.
“The great theme of Romans 6 . . . is that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are not only historical facts and significant doctrines, but personal experiences of the Christian believer. They are events in which we ourselves have come to share.”
“Too many Christians give up. They want the change too soon. What they really want is change without the daily struggle. Sometimes they give up when they are on the very threshold of success. They stop before receiving. It usually takes at least three weeks of proper daily effort for one to feel comfortable in performing a new practice. And it takes about three more weeks to make the practice part of oneself. Yet, many Christians do not continue even for three days. If they do not receive instant success, they get discouraged. They want what they want now, and if they don’t get it now, they quit.”