Sermon Quotes: "Humility: Its Roots and Fruits"
The following quotes were cited in “Humility: Its Roots and Fruits,” the October 11, 2020 sermon from Daniel 4 by Greg Dirnberger.
“Pride is more than the first of the seven deadly sins. It is itself the essence of all sin.”
“From God’s perspective, pride seems to be the most serious sin. ”
“Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the LORD. Be assured, he will not go unpunished.”
“Pride lifts up one’s heart against God and contends for supremacy with Him.”
“Pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the soul’s peace and sweet communion with Christ, the most difficult sin to root out, and the most hidden, secret, and deceitful of all lusts.”
“The eyes of pride are thus always fixed on myself and my performance, in a way that leaves no room for looking upwards to God.”
“It is evident that man never attains to a true self-knowledge until he has previously contemplated the face of God, and come down after such contemplation to look into himself.”