Sermon Quotes: "To Destroy the Devil's Works"
One reason for considering the reasons for Christ’s appearing is that we might be appropriately and freshly affected, this Advent season, by Christ’s appearing.
That means thinking deeply about the reasons the Christ has come is the only way to consistently feel deeply about the reality that the Christ has come. And so far we’ve given thought to the truth that Christ came to DISPLAY the Father’s glory for the sake of our pleasure and that Christ came to DELIVER us from sin for sake of our gratitude and praise. Now today, our aim is to think deeply about this--Christ came to DESTROY--to destroy the works of the devil.
One of the ways that Jesus destroys the works of the devil is by giving us new birth, through which we enjoy a new nature that practices righteousness instead of sin (1 John 3:9). But does that mean new birth means sinless perfection?
In other words, it’s a sin for a Christian to say they don’t sin. A trusted friend of ours puts it this way:
Beneath every sin is a failure to believe a truth about God. Vanderstelt observes,